We started to work as a study of acrhitecture in 1995. For over twenty years in Girona (Spain).
Architecture team lead by Quim Negre Rossell, an architect trained at the School of Architecture of Barcelona ETSAB, specializing in construction and later graduated in rehabilitation of buildings and urban planning.
The main objective of QN architect since its inception, it's the excellence of architectural desing based on creative diversity, dialogue with the client, program and context, where the ideas are the engine and the illusion of the project.
We strongly believe in the teamwork with our consultants (technical architects, engineers, interior designers...) , and specially with the client.
The work of QN architect encompasses all architectural typologies in projects of different magnitude and complexity, both in public works and private work. Our history has led us to specialize in the design of all types of housing, both new construction and rehabilitation.